The participation of women in the military is not a new issue. In 2000, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. It highlights the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and post-conflict reconstruction. Several international organisations such as NATO, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament are monitoring the situation of women in the armed forces while at the same time promoting equal treatment and anti-harassment policies. Despite this focus on the role of women in the military, currently, in EU Member States, the number of women in security forces is between 3 and 18 percent.
This seminar intends to highlight the important role of women in the military and to challenge the gender stereotypes through testimonials from women in the military field. Different stakeholders such as representatives from international organisations, politics, the military will discuss the role of women in the armed forces from their respective perspectives. In doing so, ALDE would like to empower women in the field and raise awareness in the European Parliament and beyond to influence future policy making on the issue.
When? Wednesday 6 March 2019, 14:30-17:00
Where? Brussels, European Parliament, Room PHS 5B001
Register for the event here