In this monthly series, we share some key updates on what’s happening in liberal politics, in Brussels and beyond. To find out more and to stay up-to-date on the latest news, make sure you follow us and our members on Twitter!
Happening in October 2021:
- 1-3 October: Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens Panel III – First Session
- 2 October: Local elections in Georgia
- 2 October: USR PLUS Congress
- 2 October: FDP Switzerland Congress
- 2-26 October: LibDems regional events - Conference on the Future of Europe
- 3 October: Hans van Baalen Town Hall II: Spain
- 3-4 October: Local elections in Italy
- 4-7October: European Parliament Plenary Week
- 6 October: EU-Western Balkans Summit
- 8-9 October: Czech Parliamentary elections
- 8-9 October: European Youth Event 2021
- 9 October: Venstre Danmarks Liberale Parti National Assembly
- 13 October: Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager launches roadmap on security and defence technology
- 14 October: CoFoE - - #3 Regional discussion with LYMEC membership - Benelux + France
- 15-17 October: Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens Panel IV – First Session
- 15 October: ELF Event - A Europe of Values 3: Rule of Law and the European Institutions
- 15 October: ELF Event: Illiberal Tours – Destination: Budapest
- 17 October: Local elections Estonia
- 17 October: Local elections North Macedonia
- 17 October: Local elections in Kosovo
- 18-21 October: European Parliament Plenary Week
- 22 October: MR and Open Vld celebrating 175 years of liberalism
- 22-23 October: Conference on the Future of Europe Plenary
- 22-24 October: LYMEC Autumn Congress 2021
- 27 October: Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager launches review of Competition Policy proposal and Vice President Vera Jourova adopts Sustainable Corporate Governance
- 28 October: ELF Event - Science, Not Fiction 3: Medicine & Biotechnology
- 30 October: LibDems Conference on the Future of Europe
Please note that while periodically updated with relevant additions, this article isn’t a comprehensive list of all possible events. Make sure you follow our member parties, the European Institutions or our Individual Members programme for all updates.