On 16 November, ALDE Party members Venstre and Radikale Venstre participated in the Danish local elections. The results indicate positive signals for both parties at the local level.
Radikale Venstre achieved its best result in local elections since 1974, winning 94 seats in the 59 municipalities which translates into 5.6% of the total vote share. At the regional level, Radikale Venstre won 12 seats out of 205. They also won a mayoral seat with Frank Jensen, who led his branch in his municipality of Fanø to become the biggest party on the island.
Party Leader Sofie Carsten Nielsen declared that she is “insanely proud” of her party’s result and the progress they have made.
"It is the best local election for the party in almost 5 decades. We have even been elected to 12 new municipalities, made progress in 24 municipalities and won a mayoral post. Voters have clearly acknowledged our clear agenda for change and the need to think new,” she said.
Venstre became the second biggest party in Denmark. A total of 620 councillors, of which 35 mayors, were elected thanks to a 21.2% vote share at the local level. At the regional level, Venstre won 54 out of 205 councillors and two Chairman positions in the Regional Council of North and Southern Denmark regions. Party Leader Jakob Ellemann-Jensen expressed his gratitude to all voters and supporters who put their trust in the party:
“We have once again shown that we are a unique community that fights to make a difference for the Danes. All our candidates for the municipalities and regions have been on the streets discussing politics non-stop for several weeks. Our entire organization with many volunteers has made a huge effort.”
You can find the official results of the Danish local and regional elections here.
Photo credit: Sophie Carsten Nielsen and Jakob Ellemann-Jensen