On 6 January, ALDE Party member Free Democratic Party (FDP) in Germany held their annual Three Kings Meeting, this year in a digital format for the first time.
In his speech, party leader Christian Lindner focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, addressing recent government measures to prevent the spread of the virus and plans for mass vaccination ahead: “Step by step, more social life and togetherness must become possible again. In the course of the acceleration of vaccination, better protection of risk groups and new digital possibilities for fighting the pandemic, it must be possible.”
Tuning in virtually, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, FDP deputy group leader and ALDE Party Vice-President, commented with optimism following the event, while also highlighting challenges the country faces as German voters head the polls in 2021. He writes, “immigration policy, openness, tolerance, education, upward social mobility – all points where Germany must move forward, as in the fight against everyday racism.”
In his speech, FDP Executive Committee member Michael Theurer emphasised the challenges of fighting the pandemic while highlighting the opportunities for progress and digital innovation as a result of this crisis, remarking “My credo: yes to technology, yes to progress, yes to the future!”
Watch the speech by Christian Lindner here or below (in German)
Watch the full Three Kings Meeting here (in German)
#Demokratie ist kein Zuschauersport. Verschaffen wir dem #Fortschritt wieder eine Stimme. Bringen wir #Freiheit und #Verantwortung wieder in Einklang. Und tragen wir dazu bei, unser Land stärker als zuvor zu machen. Jede und jeder einzelne. Es geht uns alle an. #3K21 pic.twitter.com/5Ep6dHFZ1K
— FDP (@fdp) January 6, 2021
Photo: Screenshot of Lindner's speech