On 19 September, German ALDE Party member FDP held its 71st party congress, this time mostly online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The congress was an opportunity for the party leadership and members to come together ahead of next year’s ‘Superwahljahr’ (‘super election year’). In 2021, several elections will take place in Germany, including autumn federal elections as well as spring state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz.
Party leader Christian Lindner delivered a speech at the congress, highlighting the importance of the country’s next federal elections as an election where choices are made for example between social market economy and planned economy. Lindner also reflected on the coronavirus, saying: "We have to be smarter than the virus is dangerous. Freedom must always be stronger than any virus."
Nicola Beer MEP, Vice-President of FDP and Vice-President of the European Parliament, also gave a speech at the event, with a passionate call ahead of next year’s elections: "Let us make it clear together: We want to recapture the mandate for shaping politics in this country in 2021!"
During the congress, Volker Wissing was elected for the role of FDP Secretary General.
You can find all speeches on FDP’s YouTube page
#MissionAufbruch: Für freiheitsliebende Menschen sind Rot-Rot-Grün oder Schwarz-Grün oder Grün-Rot-Rot keine besonders...
Posted by FDP on Saturday, September 19, 2020
Photo credit: FDP