Swedish citizens will go to polls on Sunday 9 September to elect the members of the Riksdag which in turn will elect the Prime Minister of Sweden. Regional and municipal elections are held the same day.
Our two member parties in Sweden, Centerpartiet and Liberalerna, are successfully campaigning across the country in the last days ahead of the elections.
On the one hand, Annie Lööf leads Centerpartiet's list, under the slogan "Forward for a safer, freer and stronger Sweden."
Centerpartiet's election manifesto focuses on three main areas: 1) jobs 2) increased security and 3) a green future. You can take a look at their full manifesto on their website and stay tuned on their campaign via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Valet i höst är viktigare än på länge. Vi lever i en tid där allt fler målar med svarta penseldrag. Mer än någonsin behöver vi stå för medmänsklighet, våga se möjligheter och tro på människors drivkrafter. Det har blivit viktigare än någonsin att ta ställning. Vi vill framåt. pic.twitter.com/cmt2BhuMd9
— Centerpartiet (@Centerpartiet) August 5, 2018
Om sex dagar går Sverige till val och idag inleder vi vår valspurt! 1,5 miljon väljarmöten i hela landet sista veckan. Vi klär bl.a. centralstationerna i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö.
— Annie Lööf (@annieloof) September 3, 2018
Nytt ledarskap för Sverige framåt! pic.twitter.com/E445exqatv
On the other hand, Jan Björklund is the lead candidate of Liberalerna's list, under the slogan "Defending freedom."
Their election manifesto proposes how to change Sweden in order to get more freedom and more opportunities. It talks about how freedom is currently threatened by extremists, populists and socialists and how citizens have the choice between extremes and the liberal centre.
You can take a look at their full manifesto on their website and stay tuned on their campaign via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Mer folk än vanligt på Liberalernas torgmöten. Medvind. Valkampanj i Linköping idag tillsammans med Juno Blom. pic.twitter.com/sd6gOgcxKt
— Jan Björklund (@bjorklundjan) September 1, 2018
Both parties are part of the Alliance, consisting of the four centre-right political parties in the Swedish Parliament and currently in opposition.
Alliansen presenterade idag nya förslag från reformagendan: Fler jobb, stärkt integration och goda villkor för Sveriges företag.
— Alliansen (@alliansswe) August 20, 2018
Läs mer: https://t.co/0jkPmNn0bi pic.twitter.com/0A3lAHtKwB
Do you want to discuss the outcome of the elections in Brussels? Then join our Liberal breakfast on the Swedish elections on Monday 10 September. More information can be found here.