The Renew Europe Group at the Committee of Regions will close applications for the Young Elected Politician programme 2022 on 8 April. The YEP programme, and its online platform, offers an opportunity to young politicians with a mandate at a local or regional level to network, exchange best practices, obtain information on EU legislation and EU funding opportunities, contribute to the work of the CoR, and to meet and discuss debate with CoR members and other local, regional, and European politicians.
The programme is structured around three topics:
1. Bringing Europe closer to its people
The YEP programme will help you to build bridges between your city and region and the EU, will give you inspiration on how to foster democracy, and will allow you to find ways of involving young people in democratic discussion and in local life.
2. Building resilient communities
Under this topic, the YEP programme will give you a deeper insight into the European Green Deal, to inspire and be inspired by the projects of fellow YEPs, CoR members and other politicians. You will also get to know how to contribute to EU climate change and carbon-neutrality targets.
3. Cohesion as a fundamental value
The YEP programme will allow you to learn about funding for local and regional authorities, to understand how cohesion policy can help the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and the development of your city and region, and to share best practices with other YEPs and politicians.