Two years after the Brexit referendum, around 100,000 citizens marched in central London on Saturday 23 June to call on the British government to hold a final public vote on the terms of the Brexit deal.
Our member party in the United Kingdom, the Liberal Democrats, actively took part in the protest with many of their members joining along, including LibDems leader Vince Cable, Catherine Bearder MEP and ALDE Manifesto Drafting Committee member Nick Clegg.
Vince Cable addressed the crowd at the March for Europe with a clear message: "My message today is a very simple one: keep fighting, keep hoping, we will win!"
For more details, you can read this report by the Editor of the blog Liberal Democrat Voice.
Give us a say Mrs May! I’m marching today to get a final say on the deal. Make sure you film and tweet why you’re marchibg with the @LibDems today #ExitFromBrexit
— Catherine Bearder-former MEP🔶🕷 (@catherinemep) June 23, 2018
Great atmosphere. No wonder Brexiters panicking. Two years on and they’ve achieved nothing. Time to give people their say. #PeoplesMarchVote
— Nick Clegg (@nick_clegg) June 23, 2018
Brexit is not a done deal. The fight is well and truly on #PeoplesMarchVote
— Catherine Bearder-former MEP🔶🕷 (@catherinemep) June 23, 2018
Thank you from @vincecable to all the supporters and volunteers who turned out today for the #Peoplesvotemarch #ExitfromBrexit
— Liberal Democrats (@LibDems) June 23, 2018