Every summer at week 27 Swedish political parties and citizens come together in the city of Visby on the island Gotland for Almedalen Week. With speeches, seminars and other political activities, Almedalen is considered to be the most important forum in Swedish politics, similarly to the Folkemødet in Denmark or the SuomiAreena in Finland.
Our Swedish member parties Liberalerna and Centerpartiet actively participated in the event.
On Tuesday 3 July Liberalerna leader Jan Björklund addressed the attendees of Almedalen in a passionate speech on the importance of liberal values and the benefits of EU cooperation.
Orsaken till Europas utveckling är de värderingar som bär upp EU-samarbetet. De värderingarna stavas Liberalism! 💪 Mer liberalism, M E R kunskap & integration och EU!
— Jessica Sjönell (@jessica_sjonell) July 3, 2018
EU samarbetet ska utvecklas!
Så bra @bjorklundjan @liberalerna #svpol #Almedalen2018 #liberalerna #frihet pic.twitter.com/5HdTjzFDtf
"Never, during my political life, basic liberal values have been so threatened. Values are what will hold the world together, hold Europe together, and hold together the Sweden in which our children grow up. Never have my political commitment felt as important as today," he said.
You can watch his full speech here.
"Aldrig under mitt politiska liv har grundläggande liberala värderingar varit så hotade. Aldrig har mitt politiska engagemang känts så viktigt som idag."@bjorklundjan pic.twitter.com/na8nFRDbNl
— Liberalerna (@liberalerna) July 5, 2018
Wednesday 4 July was the turn of Centerpartiet leader Annie Lööf. She offered an inspiring speech providing solutions to integration, climate change and security with a core message: "I want us to continue to be a country where we show each other respect. Where we stand up for humanity. Because it's the values that we have that have made Sweden strong."
Jag är så rörd och tacksam för all värme och all kärlek det senaste dygnet. Tack för att ni är så många som står upp för anständighet, ledarskap och starka, medmänskliga värderingar! 💚
— Annie Lööf (@annieloof) July 5, 2018
Vill du lyssna till mitt Almedalstal eller läsa det, finns det här: https://t.co/TFNkQHLbIg pic.twitter.com/ieCmw1x0Lb
You can watch her full speech here.
During Almedalen, the Alliansen, which consists of the four centre-right political parties in the Swedish Parliament, including both Centerpartiet and Liberalerna, presented a series of proposals to increase security and stop violence in Sweden.
På en presskonferens i Almedalen presenteras Alliansen gemensamma förslag för att öka tryggheten och stoppa det dödliga våldet i Sverige. https://t.co/qAiWLwW8fw pic.twitter.com/1PUemYgS8d
— SR Ekot (@sr_ekot) July 5, 2018
See more images, videos and quotes from Swedish ALDE member parties at Almedalen on Centerpartiet and Liberalerna's Facebook pages.