The European Parliament adopted the new regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products. Under the new regulation, which will enter into force on 1 January 2021, a single set of rules will cover the whole organic sector in the EU. The legislation foresees the improvement of the control system on farms in order to ensure that the integrity of organic production is maintained and enhanced. Moreover, precautionary measures, aimed at reducing the risk of accidental contamination by pesticides used in conventional crops, bring in the possibility to keep or introduce national thresholds.
Ivan Jakovčić MEP, shadow rapporteur on this file, commented after the vote: “There are three principle about organic production and labelling that I would like to highlight: standardisation, harmonisation and simplification of procedures. These principles are beneficial for both producers and consumers. The organic sector has grown by 125% over the last decade and at around 400,000 hectares a year, with an overall value of about €27 billion. It is therefore crucial for consumers to be able to fully trust that products with the EU organic logo are pesticide-free. Given the premium price most consumers pay for organic food, the EU organic logo have to offer consumers the same quality guarantees all over Europe.”
“I am convinced that organic production and geographical indications should be one of the main priorities of future CAP since organic products represent the greatest competitiveness of the European agriculture on the world market.”