On Tuesday, MEPs voted in favour of simplifying existing visa application rules for non-EU nationals when travelling to Europe.
The aim of the reforms is to make Europe a more attractive destination for bona fide travellers and to better respond to the current migratory and security situation on the continent.
The proposals include:
GeĢrard Deprez MEP (MR, Belgium), ALDE's shadow rapporteur of the file commented: "I welcome the vote in favour of the report on the Visa Code. While preserving security at the external borders and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Schengen area we have managed to simplify the legal framework of visa application procedures. I am also in favour of using visa policy to encourage cooperation by third countries in readmission procedures, as long as they also include positive incentives (eg. Visa fee reductions) and not only sanctions for countries that do not cooperate with the Commission."