The Renew Europe Group deplores that the European Parliament has been sidelined by the European Commission on the creation of the EU’s new Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA).
The creation of HERA has been a long-time priority for Renew Europe. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Renew Europe has been at the forefront of creating such a coordinating entity, to provide coherent answers and take bold action in preventing and managing new and still unknown cross- border health emergencies.
Renew Europe has always pointed out the urgency of the creation of HERA. But urgency does not mean silencing democracy, and Renew Europe regrets the unacceptable exclusion of the European Parliament from the European Commission’s plans.
Nils Torvalds MEP (SFP, FI), Renew Europe Environment Coordinator and European Parliament Budget Committee member said:
“Today I am very disappointed. The European Commission has no reason to exclude the European Parliament from HERA, and I believe it is a worrying move. Article 122 of TFEU is an article to use for emergencies, not for setting up new structures in the EU. The European Parliament is the only directly elected EU institution. We represent the people, and we should have a say and scrutiny over how millions of euros are being spent, especially on something as crucial as health.”
Véronique Trillet–Lenoir MEP (Renaissance, FR), Rapporteur on the Cross-border health threats Regulation underlined:
“We must build a European Union of Health together. Every national or European institution has a part to play in the strengthening of our health policy. In times of crisis, the European Commission, Council and Parliament have demonstrated how fast and effective they could react and adopt strong measures to fight the pandemic and its consequences. Let us show that together, we can create a robust, agile and independent HERA. An authority capable of orchestrating the virtuous cycle of medical innovations”.
#RenewEurope insists that the Parliament should have a say on #HERA.
— Renew Europe (@RenewEurope) September 16, 2021
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