Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lithuanian film director Mantas Kvedaravičius started working on a documentary film Mariupolis 2, in which he documented life under attack in the city of Mariupol. In April 2022, he was murdered by Russian troops and his fiancée and co-director, Hanna Bilobrova, managed to escape with the footage. She edited the unfinished film to show it to the world. Mariupolis 2 has won a European Film Award as best documentary of 2022.
18:00-18:15 Welcome and opening remarks
- Petras Auštrevičius MEP, Renew Europe shadow rapporteur on Ukraine
18:15-20:10 Film screening
20:10 Closing remarks
- Laurence Farreng MEP, Renew Europe Coordinator on the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (TBC)