This week, the European Parliament is set to approve an agreement on the use of EU funds to help Member States manage migration flows, ease integration of third-country nationals and enhance border management.
The Renew Europe Group supports the agreement between the European Parliament and the European Council to set up the Asylum and Migration Fund for 2021-2027. This EU-funded programme will be a crucial instrument to equip Member States with the necessary tools to respond effectively and humanely to evolving migration challenges within the EU and in cooperation with other countries. Renew Europe has ensured that the funds will aim to enhance solidarity and responsibility-sharing between Member States.
Jan-Christoph Oetjen MEP (FDP, DE), Renew Europe negotiator on the Asylum and Migration Fund, says: "The Asylum and Migration Fund will be key to guarantee European solidarity in practice. By introducing more flexibility but also more spending safeguards, the Fund will provide much-needed support to Member States in implementing the asylum acquis. I am also happy to see that local authorities will be more involved and properly funded, especially when supporting people to integrate into their community."
Additionally, MEPs debated a deal establishing an instrument for financial support for Border Management and Visa on 6 July. This new instrument will provide adequate funding to strengthen our common European borders while rendering the EU visa policy more efficiently and facilitating legitimate travel through a harmonised approach.
Olivier Chastel MEP (MR, BE), Renew Europe negotiator on the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa, says: "The proper functioning of the EU requires harmonised management of its borders and adequate funding that can be mobilised quickly. I am pleased with the overall work we have done to address the issue of border management and security, European migration and visa policy."