On Sunday 26 September, 64.1% of the Swiss voted in favour of equal family rights in a nation-wide referendum, with a majority achieved in all 26 cantons. Swiss ALDE Party members FDP Die Liberalen and Grünliberale Partei Schweiz, who campaigned heavily for equality of the LGBTIQ+ community, were happy with the result.
FDP Die Liberalen declared:
“Switzerland is sending a clear signal that all couples have the same rights and obligations, regardless of whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. From a liberal perspective, opening marriage to same-sex couples is an important and long overdue step. The state does not have to intervene in our private life in a moralising way.”
The Grünliberale Partei Schweiz stated:
“Marriage for everyone is one of the most central demands of a contemporary and liberal social policy. By saying yes to marriage for everyone, Switzerland is finally putting an end to unequal treatment and realizing equal rights for everyone”
Initially, the legislative proposal was tabled in the Swiss parliament in 2013 and was passed in 2020. However, conservative opposition parties challenged this by gathering 50,000 signatures to put the issue to a referendum.
In the end, it took eight long years for the Swiss LGBTIQ+ community to finally enjoy the same family rights as others, such as marriage, adopting children and getting assistance with reproductive technology.
FDP member and Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police Karin Keller-Sutter said the first same-sex marriages should be able to take place from 1 July next year.
"Whoever loves each other and wants to get married will be able to do so, regardless of whether it is two men, two women, or a man and a woman," she said.
Doppelsieg! 🌈💙 Die Schweiz lehnt die @JusoSchweiz-Initiative entschieden ab und nimmt die @ehefueralle_JA deutlich an. Ein starkes Signal für die persönliche Freiheit und die Wirtschaft unseres Landes. #CHVote #99Prozent #Loveisliberal @Neinzu99prozenthttps://t.co/WKSKahDu1P
— FDP Schweiz (@FDP_Liberalen) September 26, 2021
Die #Ehefüralle ist Realität! Endlich wird es möglich für homosexuelle Paare in der Schweiz zu heiraten. Mit dem heutigen Ja zur Ehe für alle realisiert die Schweiz gleiche Rechte für alle. Was für ein Freudentag! 🏳️🌈❤️ #Abst21 #CHvote @kathrinbertschy pic.twitter.com/etPw30C5Vx
— Grünliberale Schweiz (@grunliberale) September 26, 2021