On 28 April, one of the regional branches of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom hosted a webinar on the aftermath of the global COVID-19 crisis. ALDE Party Vice President Alexander Graff Lambsdorff and Adrián Vázquez MEP of ALDE member Ciudadanos in Spain took part in the discussion.
The event addressed the possible post-crisis scenarios and the current situation in Spain, Germany and Lebanon. Other key issues, such as the use of digital tools and the impact of the crisis on the tourism industry along with changes in the economic order and globalised world, were also discussed.
During the event, Lambsdorff stressed that in the post-crisis world, key challenges that many countries will face are related to the lack of medical equipment and the uncertainty of information on the virus.
In addition, he stressed that the European Union needs to find its position in the new post-crisis world, dominated by tensions between the US and China.
“Europe has values. Liberals have values, and it is merely important for us to act together to be able to defend our values just as we need to defend our interests in this world,” he said.
During his intervention, Vázquez underlined the big challenge the tourism industry is now facing in Spain and called for additional resources directed to this sector. Moreover, he stressed that in these uncertain times, there is a need for a digital tool to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasising the voluntary and decentralised features of such tools.
“The digital tool will help to make testing more efficient and reassure people that they can go out sometimes. And it will create a bond of social solidarity,” he said.