Laisvės partija confirm EU candidate list

20 January 2024 by
ALDE Party Communications

On 20 January, ALDE Party member Laisvės partija (Freedom Party) in Lithuania confirmed its list of candidates for the European elections at a party Congress in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

Party members elected Dainius Žalimas, former President of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania, as the party’s lead candidate for the elections in June. 

He is followed by Remigijus Šimašius, former Mayor of Vilnius and Minister of Justice of Lithuania, who co-founded the party with current chair Aušrinė Armonaitė in 2019. 

“I am convinced that my aspirations to see Putin and Lukashenko in prison in The Hague, as well as Ukraine and Moldova becoming part of the EU, can only be realised if political forces such as the Freedom Party form as large a part of the European Parliament as possible,” said Žalimas. 
“The list is full of competent, hard-working people who are consistent and sincere in their fields. This is a really strong choice for the European Parliament elections in Lithuania, for those who want pro-European and also proactive, liberal and courageous politics,” said Armonaitė. 

In a video message to party members, ALDE Party Co-President Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEP celebrated an important landmark as the party contests its first European election campaign.

"Laisvės partija has been an active force for liberal values and a constructive and effective partner in coalition government. I'm excited that you will be contesting your very first European elections. It will be a tough campaign for all of us, but I am convinced that in Lithuania you and your party members will raise to this challenge," said Co-President Kyuchyuk.

The list of candidates also includes various members of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) such as Deputy Speaker Vytautas Mitalas MP and Monika Ošmianskienė MP, respectively in third and fourth position. 

Lithuania’s Minister and Vice-Minister of Transport and Communications, Marius Skuodis and Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė, also make the sixth and fifth position on the list. 

In view of the upcoming elections, the party will prioritise its stance against populism and hate crimes, support the initiative to punish Putin and Lukashenko in international courts and tribunals and promote the EU membership applications of Ukraine and Moldova. 

The European elections in Lithuania are scheduled to take place on 9 June, as citizens will elect 11 Members of the European Parliament. 

Photo: Laisvės partija

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