Liberal Movement confirms EP lead candidate

4 February 2024 by
ALDE Party Communications

On 4 February, ALDE Party member Liberalų sąjūdįs (Liberal Movement) in Lithuania published their full list of candidates for the European elections in June.

Members elected Eugenijus Gentvilas MP, a member of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) since 2012 and former MEP between 2004-2009, as the party’s lead candidate.

He is followed by Petras Auštrevičius MEP, the party’s current representative in the European Parliament since 2014 and former ALDE Party Vice-President.

The top five is completed by current Members of the Seimas Edita Rudelienė MPVirgilijus Alekna MP and Andrius Bagdonas MP.

"The leaders of the Liberal Movement list are experienced politicians and foreign policy experts. The top ten is full of active and experienced politicians. I am confident that with this team we will ensure that the liberal voice is heard in the European Parliament," said party chair Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen MP.
“A strong, efficient, principled, secure and united European Union is one of Lithuania's main ambitions. Both in the European Parliament and in national politics, we need to look for solutions, not scaremongering,” added Gentvilas.

The programme and list were approved at a party Congress in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The European elections are scheduled to take place in all European Union member states between 6-9 June, as Lithuanian citizens will head to the polls to elect 11 MEPs.

Photo: Liberalų sąjūdįs

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