16 Apr, 2024

Europarties discuss EU economy at Bruegel-FT debate

On 15 April, Brussels-based think-tank Bruegel and the Financial Times hosted an expert debate on EU economic issues featuring representatives from European political parties. 

European Liberal Forum executive director Alva Finn joined the stage with several other representatives from European political parties or foundations supplying the liberal take on economic policy and competitiveness. 

The six participants shared their views in three different topical rounds of questions on competitiveness and growth, economic security and the green transition. 

“We need to get back to the principle of one market, one rule. That will enhance competitiveness because it will make it quicker to grow your business in Europe,” said Finn. 

We don’t think we should trade less with China, but more with others in order to create a balance: diversification is key to reduce dependencies.”  

“We need to have the right skills in the right places. Equipping Europeans with digital and sustainable skills for the transition, promoting lifelong learning, mutual recognition of formal and informal learning. We need to prepare ourselves for these things, and a lot of European workers do not feel prepared yet.” 

Other European political parties represented in the debate were the Party of the European Left, the European People's Party, the European Green Party, the Party of European Socialists and the Identity and Democracy Party. 

Click here to rewatch the debate in full. 

Photo: Bruegel / X

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