Cyprus 2 member parties

united democrats 
Party Leader: Praxoula Antoniadou
Joined in 1996
United Democrats was founded in 1993 by the former President of Cyprus, George Vasiliou. In March 2007, Praxoula Antoniadou took over the leadership of the party and took office as Minister for Commerce, Industry and Tourism betwen 2011 and 2012. United Democrats are an observer member of the Liberal International.

dimokratiki parataxi 
Party Leader: Marios Garoyian
Joined in 2020
Founded in 2018, Dimokratiki Parataxi (Democratic Alignment) is a centrist political party founded in 2018 for “all Cypriot citizens who pursue the liberation and the re-unification of the country”.
The Leader of the Democratic Alignment is Marios Garoyian. Prior to the founding of the Democratic Alignment, Garoyian has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2006, as well as President of the House of Representatives from 2008-2011. Despite the fact the party has its headquarters in Nicosia, the Democratic Alignment holds Pan-Cyprian conferences in all regions.