Finland 2 member parties

Party Leader:
Antti Kaikkonen
Joined in 1992
The Centre Party of Finland is a national movement strongly rooted in Finnish ideology. The party is an independent force driven to create a sustainable partnership between humankind and nature, places powerful emphasis on democracy, on the recognition of the strengths of a decentralised society, spiritual and human values that stand up against materialism, and the strengthening of one's internal growth as a definition of civilisation.

Party Leader: Anders Adlercreutz
Joined in 1992
The Swedish People’s Party of Finland (SFP) gathers those who want to see an open, inclusive and international society. SFP works for a well-functioning bilingual society in Finland (Swedish and Finnish), a flourishing Nordic cooperation, a stronger European community and global responsibility. SFP believe that prosperity and justice can be found in a society that serves the individual, has an economy that supports private initiatives and considers the environment, has an educational system that gives everyone equal opportunities to develop and a social security system that both supports and activates. As a liberal party SFP believe in freedom, justice, tolerance, equality and openness.