Ukraine 5 member parties

european party of ukraine 
Party Leader: Mykola Katerynchuk
Joined in 2013
The European Party of Ukraine, founded in 2006, is a social liberal party in Ukraine. The party self-describes as a centre-right liberal party, which particularly defends the interest of the middle class. The European Party of Ukraine aims at participating in building a free, democratic, legal, just society in Ukraine and to promote Ukraine's integration into the European Union, advocating for the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation as well as to strengthen Ukraine's state independence.

civic position 
Party Leader: Vladimir Girniak
Joined in 2016
Civic Position started its activity in 2010 participating in parliamentary, presidential and local elections, and joined ALDE Party in 2016. Today, the party has about 400 organizations and more than 3500 members, uniting people to build Ukraine as a powerful European state. The key task of the Party is to build a socio-political system in Ukraine that will allow to use the creative potential of every person and community and will be based on their high morality and responsibility. In its activities the Party leans on active civil society and its basis - the middle class.

syla lyudey 
Party Leader: Yuriy Bova
Joined in 2018
Formed in 2013, the “People’s Force” (Syla Lyudey) is built upon transparency and liberal values. The party's statute describes the main purpose of the party — the formation and expression of the political will of Ukrainians; promoting the formation of a civil society based on dignity, freedom, justice and well-being, guided by the principles of democracy; and the creation of conditions for the economic and social development of the state.

Party Leader:
Kira Rudik
Joined in 2020
Golos, translated to "Voice" and "Vote", is a liberal and pro-European political party founded in May 2019 ahead of the parliamentary elections that year where it successfully entered the Parliament. The party defines itself in the Ukrainian Parliament as the party that is liberal and progressive in both social and economic issues. It advocates the separation of money from politics and focuses on combating corruption through de-oligarchisation and seeking to increase the efficiency of the state through the introduction of modern technologies.

Party Leader: Olena Shuliak
Joined in 2022
Founded by Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2018, Sluga Narodu joined ALDE Party in 2022. The party contested and won the 2019 parliamentary elections to hold a one-party majority in the Ukrainian Parliament and form a government. The party's priorities are updating the political system, expanding cooperation with the European Union and NATO, and establishing the values and principles demanded by the Ukrainian society, and are doing so by implementing President Zelenskyy's agenda into concrete bills and political decisions, realising decentralisation and developing local self-government.