13 Dec, 2023

ALDE Party Co-President statement on EU sanctions on Russia

Commenting on the article “Bulgaria shows how Europe failed to sap Russia’s energy profits” published by POLITICO on 12 December reporting an insufficient application of EU sanctions on Russia, ALDE Party Co-President Ilhan Kyuchyuk MEP said:

The derogation provided to Bulgaria has a very limited, not evident effect in terms of ensuring the energy supply and safeguarding Bulgarian consumers, while at the same time it is clear that thanks to it millions were channelled to the Kremlin regime. This is why we have been firm in Bulgaria in calling for its repeal and the removal of all possibilities to evade the sanctions regime.

“As liberals we need to stand firm in the strict execution of the rules, and we call on the Commission for a comprehensive review of the EU sanctions and their implementation in Member States, and in particular import and export control measures.”

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