On 3 April, ALDE Party member Dimokratiki Parataxi (DEPA) in Cyprus published its full list of candidates for the European elections.
Τα βιογραφικά των υποψήφιων Ευρωβουλευτών της ΔΗΠΑ-ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑhttps://t.co/Q1eEMrB7ZS
— Δημοκρατική Παράταξη (DEPA) (@depacyprus) April 3, 2024
Δημοκρατική Παράταξη, Μαζί Κερδίζουμε το Αύριο#depa #cyprus #mazikerdizoumetoavrio pic.twitter.com/MnaKRSYnKZ
Themis Anthopoulou, Marios Charalambides, Marios Eleftheriou, Marinos Kleanthous, Pantelis Poetis and Alekos Tryfonidis have been nominated to represent DEPA in the elections, subject to approval from the party Council.
“We claim our representation in the European Parliament and want to highlight the principles and values of our party for European society. Cyprus’ future is intertwined with the EU and our country's presence there must be strong and powerful,” said DEPA leader Marios Garoyian.
Ο Πρόεδρος της ΔΗΠΑ-Συνεργασία, κ. Μάριος Καρογιάν καλωσόρισε σήμερα στο γραφείο του, τους υποψηφίους Ευρωβουλευτές της Παράταξης, με σκοπό να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις για θέματα πολιτικής και επικαιρότητας.https://t.co/ecnzRtR09U#depa #cyprus #mazikerdizoumetoavrio pic.twitter.com/UpA3NuR3P2
— Δημοκρατική Παράταξη (DEPA) (@depacyprus) April 6, 2024
“I am confident that this team will convey to society important messages around solving problems, with a responsible and consistent rhetoric.”
The diverse list combines dynamic personalities with political experience, knowledge and expertise and a significant presence and contribution to the Cypriot community which reflect DEPA’s democratic values and ideals.
In particular, it includes the party’s Vice-President and founding co-member Kleanthous as well as current Member of Parliament for Nicosia and DEPA Parliamentary leader Trifonidis.
“DEPA and ALDE Party are working for a Europe based on freedom, justice and equality. We envision a Europe where there is solidarity between countries and where European citizens live in security and prosperity,” said a party statement.
“Our proposal to Cypriot society brings together all the features that will drive our creative and productive participation in the European Parliament.”
The European elections in Cyprus are scheduled to be held on 9 June, as citizens will head to the polls to elect six MEPs.
Η πρόταση μας προς την κυπριακή κοινωνία συγκεντρώνει όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά, που θα ωθήσουν τη δημιουργική και παραγωγική συμμετοχή μας στο Ευρωκοινοβούλιο.https://t.co/xyYCR32eer
— Δημοκρατική Παράταξη (DEPA) (@depacyprus) April 3, 2024
Δημοκρατική Παράταξη, Μαζί Κερδίζουμε το Αύριο#depa #cyprus #mazikerdizoumetoavrio pic.twitter.com/6uNO6iAr2d
Photo: DEPA