21 Feb, 2024

European liberals react to Navalny’s death

Liberal leaders and parties across Europe expressed their widespread condemnation at the news of Alexei Navalny’s death on 16 February.

ALDE Party Co-Presidents Ilhan Kyuchyuk and Timmy Dooley paid tribute to Navalny's courage and determination in a statement: “Alexei Navalny was not just a prisoner; he was a fearless fighter for a free, just, and democratic Russia. His legacy will continue to fuel the struggle for justice and liberty in Russia and beyond.” 

Renew Europe condemned Navalny’s killing through the words of Group President Valérie Hayer MEP: "Navalny never ceased to call on his compatriots not to allow themselves to be intimidated. His commitment cost him his life, but his courage and his fight against Putin's regime and its cronies will always be remembered by his people. His fight goes on.” 

ALDE Party member Yabloko in Russia said  that the responsibility for Navalny’s death lies with the Russian authorities, and demanded an immediate end to the persecution of dissidents and the release of all those convicted for criticising the government.

“The death of Alexei Navalny must be thoroughly investigated, as well as his poisoning in 2020. His death occurred in penal colony conditions that were essentially torture. Society must know all those responsible for his death, and those responsible must be punished,” said a Yabloko statement.

“Navalny's death is yet another proof to all our allies that Putin is a terrorist that you cannot negotiate with,” said ALDE Party Vice-President Kira Rudik, leader of Ukrainian party Golos, on X.

In Italy, several hundred participants and all political forces answered a call by Azione leader Carlo Calenda to gather for a candlelight vigil in front of Rome City Hall commemorating Navalny’s legacy and opposing Putin’s regime.

“This is an important sign of solidarity towards all those who die for freedom: Russian dissidents and Ukrainians. They fight for freedom because it’s a universal value, not because it’s limited to the country for which they fight,” said Calenda.

The initiative was also joined by Più Europa members, who started a demonstration in front of the Russian embassy in Rome on 16 February and continued throughout the weekend.

“Navalny's murder is yet another warning to all opponents in view of the upcoming elections and to all Russian citizens. Today we stood in front of the Russian embassy to remember Navalny and to reiterate how necessary it is to continue to mobilise for democracy and the rule of law,” the party posted on X.

Latvijas attīstībai members including Ivars Ījabs MEP, Artis Pabriks and Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis laid candles in front of the Russian embassy in Riga, Latvia, to commemorate Navalny and condemn Putin's regime.

“The courageous Navalny is dead. He had to pay the highest price for his fight for democracy, the rule of law and freedom in Russia. His fight is and will remain our fight. His death reminds us of the importance of a strong rule of law and that we must continue to fight for it every day,” said VVD leader Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius.

“This unprecedentedly brave man stands for everything Putin fears: truth, courage, freedom. That is why his murderous regime killed Alexei Navalny. Our assignment is clear: Russia must lose the war,” said D66 party leader Rob Jetten.

“Alexei Navalny paid the ultimate price for his courage to stand up to a ruthless dictator. This political assassination must be a wake-up call to the entire free world. Ukraine must be supported, more than ever, to defeat Putin's Russia. We must end this tyranny,” said USR President Cătălin Drulă.

Check out more liberal social media reactions below.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of ALDE Party members’ reactions to Alexei Navalny’s death. If you would like to follow their initiatives, please consult our full list of member parties and find out how you can follow and support them.

Photo: Più Europa / X

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