Iceland held elections to its Parliament on Saturday 25 September and almost made history by becoming the first Parliament in Europe with a female majority of MPs, until a recount showed it had just fallen short.
In the final results, 30 of the 63 seats (47.6%) were won by women, with the governing coalition defying the pre-election polls to increase their number of seats from 33 to 37.
ALDE member party Viðreisn, led by Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, participated actively in these elections and increased its share of the vote to 8.3% and gained an additional mandate in the next 63-seat Parliament.
On Tuesday, the enlarged five-member delegation convened in the Alþingi.
Nýr þingflokkur Viðreisnar og stærri hittist í dag. Hlakka til að vinna með þessu öfluga fólki á þingi - fyrir ykkur. Takk fyrir dýrmætan stuðning og hlýhug, elsku þið öll þarna úti 🙏🏻🧡 @ Alþingi
— þorgerður katrín (@thorgkatrin) September 28, 2021
The party’s campaign focused strongly on their programme to create a just society, where the public interest always takes precedence over the private interest and all individuals, households and companies enjoy equality, and for Iceland to be at the forefront of the fight against climate change.