The ALDE Party Individual Members in the south of France held a conference on climate change to discuss the question ‘Why in the current situation of a climate emergency, the European Union shouldn’t intervene?’
The event was organised in partnership with the Union of European Federalists and the association ‘Rencontres Européenne’.
52 people participated in two round tables and followed a presentation of the Biodiversity Report of the French National Assembly.
The first round table deal discussed the erosion of the Mediterranean coast and climate change with Frederic Poitou, a European Judicial Expert, and Members of Parliament François Michel Lambert and Anne Laurence Petel.
The second round table dealt with the role of cities in sustainable development with Pedro Albuquerque, Professor at KEDGE Business School (and an ALDE individual member), Emmanuelle Champaud who introduce the "Totem" electric carsharing and Mrs Boulnois who presented "Citizen Crossroad” which aims to place the citizen at the heart of the governance of a sustainable city.
Present at the debate were the President of the House of Europe Provence and representatives of the French political parties from the ALDE Family.