10 Jan, 2024

Liberal lead candidates share EU election calls

As we count down towards the European elections on 6-9 June, we asked lead candidates of ALDE Party members to share their message for citizens on the key issues that will shape the election campaign. 

Morten Løkkegaard MEP from Venstre in Denmark urged voters to exercise their democratic rights: “We are the decisive force right now in the European Parliament and we would like that to stay also in the future.” 

For Open VLD’s Hilde Vautmans MEP, the biggest threat to European democracy is the constant attack coming from the rise of populism in the EU and beyond: “We need to strengthen Europe, reform Europe, renew Europe, so that we can deliver for you security, economy, liberal values, freedom.” 

Centerpartiet lead candidate Emma Wiesner MEP makes environmental sustainability a focal point of her work, and vowed to carry on her legacy: “We need to put an end to the fossil era, we need to start absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere with negative emissions.” 

ALDE Party Vice-President Malik Azmani MEP from VVD highlighted the EU’s vital role as an actor of peace: “We live in an uncertain world, and only a strong European Union can guarantee your freedom, your security and your prosperity." 

According to Karin Karlsbro MEP from Liberalerna in Sweden, one of the biggest goals for the EU is to continue providing Ukraine with the aid needed to win Putin’s war: “We believe that Europe must stand together, because our unity is in fact our strongest weapon against Russia under Putin.” 

ALDE Party Vice-President Dan Barna of USR pinpointed four key areas that citizens should keep in their thinking: “We will have the chance to vote for better jobs, green and sustainable energy, democracy, human rights." 

Sigrid Friis Frederiksen from Radikale Venstre strives to ensure the EU can guarantee a green and sustainable future while maintaining a competitive business industry: “I want to work for a greener and better future for the next generation of Europeans.” 

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