11 Oct, 2022

NEOS supports winning President Van der Bellen

On 9 October more than 4 million Austrians went to the ballot box to elect their President for the next six years. Incumbent President Alexander Van der Bellen (Greens/EFA) was challenged by Walter Rosenkranz, top candidate of the Freedom Party of Austria (ID).

NEOS, ALDE Party member party in Austria, did not run in the presidential elections but supported Van der Bellen in his re-election campaign.

The Greens/EFA top candidate delivered and won the election in the first round winning 56.69%. Rosenkranz came in second at 17.68%.

NEOS leader Beate Meinl-Reisinger congratulated the incumbent President on  his re-election, but also reminded him about Austrian liberal priorities:

It will also be up to Alexander Van der Bellen as Head of State to strengthen the rule of law in Austria and to finally put an end to corruption in the political system. We expect him to be a loud voice for transparency and clean politics.”

Photo credit: NEOS

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