10 Jan, 2023

Renew Europe CoR looks ahead to 2023

The tenth episode of ‘Letter from Brussels’, the Renew Europe CoR podcast, brings you a few predictions for 2023 in key policy areas, including an analysis of the recent corruption scandal that has rocked the EU and a journey back to the Brussels of 1908, discovering how events in that year still echo in the present day.

Listen to the episode below and find out why Sean O’Curneen, Secretary General of Renew Europe CoR, predicts that in 2023 the fight against corruption will intensify at the EU level and beyond, renewable energy will get cheaper, and regional and gender inequality will decrease in the EU.

This new episode was originally published on the Renew Europe CoR website can be listened on all major platforms including: Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Spreaker and iVoox.

Letter from Brussels is written and narrated by O’Curneen, a former journalist, and is partly inspired by BBC radio’s Letter from America by Alistair Cooke which ran from 1946 to 2004. The podcast is recorded in English; it appears after every CoR plenary, at least 5 times a year.

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