Following successful negotiations between the different political groups in the European Committee of the Regions, which on this occasion included a new sixth political group, Renew Europe in the CoR has managed to further increase its political influence in the institution, including a new role to oversee political impact across all CoR Commissions.
Institutional positions:
Chairs' and Vice-Chairs' positions per Commission
POSITIONS 2020-2022:
Chair, Commission for Natural Resources and new Chair for Impact Oversight: Ulrika LANDERGREN (SV) - Liberalerna
1st Vice-Chair, Commission for Economic Policy: Dainis TURLAIS (LV) - Gods Kalpot Riga
2nd Vice-Chair, Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture: Francisco IGEA (ES) - Ciudadanos
Chair, Joint-Consultative Committee North Macedonia: Jasna GABRIC (SL) - Independent
2nd Vice-Chair, CAFA: Kate FEENEY (IE) - Fianna Fail
Renew Europe Presidency:
François Decoster - President - France - ALDE Party
Ulrika Landergren - 1st Vice President - Liberalerna
Michiel Rijsberman - 2nd vice President - D66
Jasna Gabric - 3rd vice President - Independent
Our Bureau members:
Mikk Pikkmets - Estonia - Reform Party
Ivan Gulam - Croatia - HNS
Willy Borsus - Belgium - MR
Jaroslava Pokorna - Czech Republic - ANO
Jean-Noël Verfaillie - France - Independent
Renew Europe Commissions' Coordinators:
Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget: Michiel RIJSBERMAN (NL) - D66
Commission for Economic Policy: Juanjo MARTÍNEZ (ES) - Ciudadanos
Commission for the Environment, Climate change and Energy: Vincent CHAUVET (FR) - MoDem
Commission for Natural Resources: Alejandro CARDENETE (ES) - Ciudadanos
Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture: Kate FEENEY (IE) - Fianna Fail