Renew Europe welcomed the inter-institutional agreement reached between EU legislators on 19 January on a European certification framework for carbon removals.
The proposed law sets out EU-wide rules for measuring and accounting the capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, providing an additional tool to avoid the worst outcomes of climate disruption and safeguard quality of life, economic welfare and biodiversity.
Renew Europe is satisfied with the agreement as it will provide a solid basis for the deployment of innovative and high-quality carbon removal technologies and kickstart carbon farming in Europe.
The Group successfully negotiated a clear distinction in the basic architecture of the certification scheme, which is now built on four clear pillars – permanent carbon removal, carbon storage in products, carbon farming sequestration and carbon farming emissions reduction.
“Renew Europe has been the driving force to create a market for permanent carbon removals as well as for providing farmers the possibility to earn money on climate friendly practices,” said Emma Wiesner MEP, shadow rapporteur in the European Parliament Committee for Environment.
“We have been able to both safeguard climate integrity and transparency, and at the same time increase the ambitions of this framework. I'm very happy with the outcome of the negotiations, which to a large extent is a blueprint of Renew Europe proposals.”
Martin Hlaváček MEP, rapporteur for opinion in the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture, added: “One of Renew Europe’s key wins was to include emission reduction in the scope of the framework to make equal motivation for farmers in reducing emissions while removing carbon. We made key links to the CAP regulation, to make sure that these are better intertwined in the future.”
✅Deal on Certification Framework for Carbon Removals!
— Renew Europe (@RenewEurope) February 20, 2024
Tonight, the European Parliament and the Council reached an inter-institutional agreement that will help us move towards full decarbonisation.
More with @emmawiesner & @HlavacekEu 👇