28 Nov, 2023

Renew Europe: Secure Ukraine’s EU destiny

Renew Europe fully supports the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted on 28 November. 

Signed in the presence of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk, this Memorandum of Understanding reiterates the European Parliament’s unwavering solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine.  

Renew Europe calls on the European Council to authorise accession negotiations for Ukraine in the coming weeks, and will play its full part assisting sister parties in their European aspirations. 

"As a European country fighting for freedom and democracy against invasion by a ruthless dictator, Ukraine deserves our continued attention and support,” said ALDE Party Vice-President Malik Azmani MEP (VVD, NL), after signing a joint statement with other political group leaders. 

“This Memorandum of Understanding shows the shared dedication of both of our Parliaments to freedom and democracy. This commitment stands in stark contrast to the increasing unfreedom and autocracy of Putin's Russia. Ukraine's path is a European one and our Parliaments must work together to deliver a European destiny for the people of Ukraine." 

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