11 Mar, 2024

Belgian liberals join forces for federal elections

ALDE Party members Mouvement Réformateur (MR) and Open VLD announced they will present a joint list for the Brussels consistuency in the upcoming Belgian federal election on 9 June.

The agreement reinforces a long-standing partnership between the two parties who have led the last four Belgian governments with Prime Ministers Charles Michel, Sophie Wilmès and Alexander De Croo, including numerous liberal ministers from both factions.

Wallonia’s former higher education minister Valérie Glatigny, who was announced as MR’s lead candidate for the federal elections in February, will retain first place in the joint list.

She is followed by fellow MR members Michel De Maegd MP and Member of Brussels Parliament Youssef Handichi, while Belgium’s Federal Secretary of State for Budget Alexia Bertrand (Open VLD) retains the fourth place on the list.

The announcement was made at a press conference in Brussels on 6 March with leaders of the two political parties, including Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and party Presidents Georges-Louis Bouchez (MR) and Tom Ongena (Open VLD).

"We need to give Brussels back its place at the political table, with strong personalities. If we want a strong country, we need a strong Brussels,” said Prime Minister De Croo.

"We want the strongest possible liberal family, present in all levels of government. I want to ensure that we have as many MPs as possible so that we can make our liberal project heard. The liberal family is united and on the campaign trail,” said Bouchez.

MR and Open VLD have also created a common program and platform outlining a consensus on major issues relating to governance, energy, security and the economy.

It symbolises shared liberal values and offers a coherent and integrated framework for tackling the challenges facing Belgium, putting forward a unified liberal vision for the country.

The two parties also committed to organising joint events in Belgium’s three regions to strengthen the link with citizens throughout the country.

Photo: MR

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