03 Oct, 2023

Italy town hall addresses future of EU democracy

On 30 September, ALDE Party held the fifth event of its Manifesto town hall series in Rome, to gather inputs for the liberal manifesto ahead of the European elections in 2024. 

Following opening remarks by Emma Bonino, leader of ALDE Party member Più Europa in Italy, citizens engaged with political leaders in an active discussion on their hopes and visions for the future of the European Union and the prospect of potentially expanding the bloc to 36 countries. 

During the town hall, participants shared their concerns on the fight against populism, fake news and disinformation in Europe, in particular from Russia and China. They expressed concerns about the impact on European democracy and asked for more participation through transnational lists and reform of the EU treaties.  

Citizens also highlighted the need for a stronger and more united EU in terms of migration policies, enlargement, inflation and dependencies on third countries, particularly in the context of the green transition. Finally, they asked for more action regarding the rule of law situation in Hungary. 

The town hall also included the participation of Katalin Cseh MEP from ALDE Party member Momentum Mozgalom in Hungary, as well as various representatives of Più Europa including party Secretary Riccardo Magi MP, President Federico Pizzarotti and Benedetto Della Vedova MP. 

The event in Italy followed previous instalments in Denmark, Bulgaria, Portugal and Lithuania as part of ALDE Party’s consultation process for its 2024 European elections manifesto. The outcome of these discussions will feed into the ALDE Party Manifesto drafting process.

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