On 23 March, UDI confirmed they will join fellow ALDE Party member Parti Radical in the French Besoin d’Europe joint electoral alliance for the European elections in June.
During a party Congress in Paris, members agreed to join the list led by Valérie Hayer, one of the three lead candidates of the Renew Europe Now platform launched in Brussels last week.
Le Conseil national de l’UDI a adopté à une très large majorité la motion du Bureau national présentée par @HerveMarseille et @OHenno, pour le rapprochement aux élections européennes avec celles et ceux qui partagent notre idéal européen.@ValerieHayer https://t.co/o7tvC9yv9Q
— UDI (@UDI_off) March 23, 2024
UDI unveiled its “European project”, a document outlining 27 measures to make Europe more sustainable and safe for all, while investing in the next generation of Europeans and safeguarding the cultural differences that enrich our regions.
ALDE Party Co-President Timmy Dooley addressed the party Congress, praising the 27-point plan as a key milestone of the party’s political work.
Avec nos alliés de l'@ALDEParty, l’@UDI_off soutient pleinement la candidature de @MAStrackZi à la présidence de la Commission européenne !
— UDI (@UDI_off) March 23, 2024
Merci à @timmydooley, vice-président, de l'@ALDEParty, troisième force politique européenne, d’avoir conclu ce Conseil national de l'UDI ! pic.twitter.com/a8qGvxfBGe
“In this document, I see reflected UDI’s core identity supporting local and regional development. You adopted 27 measures for 27 member states, a sign of your party’s deep roots in the European project. In 2024, your voice will finally be back on the corridors of the European Parliament,” said Co-President Dooley.
“The 27 measures that make up this project have a single ambition: to relaunch Europe and face the challenges of the century on an equal footing. This is the project that the UDI will defend at the European elections next June, united with all those who share this ambitious vision of Europe,” said UDI leader Hervé Marseille.
Heureuse de voir notre campagne @BesoindEurope accueillir un nouveau partenaire à nos côtés.
— Valérie Hayer (@ValerieHayer) March 23, 2024
L’@UDI_off a fait le choix de soutenir notre projet de progrès et de libertés. Pour une Europe plus forte et plus unie que jamais le 9 juin ! https://t.co/ym3O9GNPfp
The European elections in France are scheduled to take place on 9 June, as citizens will head to the polls to elect 81 MEPs.
Photo: UDI